Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thesis Document Due

Next Thursday (11 November) your thesis document submission is due. It must serve as a record of all your efforts to date, but at the same time be presented as a coherent narrative. It must include the following:

A. A thesis abstract. This should be simple, clear and addressing an architectural question.
B. A proposal. Expand upon your first statement

A. Describe your approach (visually/verbally), with a schedule that take you through final presentation
B. An annotated bibliography

A. Deep, and thorough analysis of place or program;
B. Some notion of the other

4. ETC
A. Show all your research that does not appear elsewhere (you have learned a great deal about your subject)
B. Show all your process work and make somethings

You must submit your document:
1. At the Solar D house
2. By 6 pm on Thursday 11 November
3. Two printed and bound copies (at least stapled or clasped together)
4. One digital copy (via downloadable link, jump drive, dvd -- DO NOT EMAIL)

This document will serve as the basis for determining your successful completion of this course, and your ability to continue to the thesis studio in the spring semester.